Saturday, November 22, 2008

j'ai peur. lots of peur.

for the first time in many months i'm home on a saturday and i've been able to sleep in.
so far i've cleaned the kitchen with my mother and am now trying to tackle my bedroom, specifically the closet. and afterwards the bathroom. hmmm...maybe that's why i haven't been staying home on saturdays. hardeeharhar.
i've made a mistake at work and is now beyond repair. sigh. i know that one learns through his mistakes, but i wish that i've erred in something else other than this. i'm trying to get my mind off it by eating and cleaning, but it's not working. my nerves are shot. and i am soooo scared to go back on monday. argh.
as soon as i get all these saturday chores done i'm going to while away the hours crafting and eating.
i've also started watching heroes. i'm only on the second episode and have a loooong way to go, but i need someting to occupy me while i wait for gossip girl's next episode. it's a bit freaky and had a hard time falling asleep. and although it's the same length as gossip girl, i feel like i've been watching it for hours. hm.
i hope everyone's having a good saturday. we had our first snowfall here a few days ago and it's nice to see that the world is still white with snow. :)


Anonymous said...

howdy, mel :)

wasn't the snow great? i absolutely LOVE snow.

glad to hear you're fine and dandy, as usual.

don't worry about work, i'm sure they'd understand, just melt their hearts with your disarming smile :)

if that doesn't work, baked goods will!!


megan and melissa said...

Sorry about the work thing-- I definitely know how that feels. Just keep your mind off of it, and occupy yourself with something else.
I love saturdays! Today I slept in (I really needed it), I went fabric shopping (cute wool fabric), and started on a chair project for my room.
Hope the rest of your weekend is relaxing! You deserve it!

Mon Petit Lapin said...

Oh no I'm sure the mistake cant be that bad :( Good luck with all the cleaning though and do enjoy your weekend!

melissa said...

pearly pearl! it's so nice to hear from you! lol everything is good at work now and i'm glad i didn't have to resort to baked goods! :)

melissa - woooooooooool. i loooove wool. what are your plans for it? i wish we had a felt wool supplier here! and let us know more about your chair project! it sounds fun!

rebecca - i enjoyed my weekend, thank you! everything's sorted out now and i still have my job, thank goodness!!! :)