Friday, September 9, 2005

"if you've got five real friends, you've lead a good life"

according to ralph waldo emerson, "it is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them". and i've got just that, old friends because i've known them for quite a while, and friends that i haven't known long but feel as if we are the oldest and dearest of friends. and mind you, i've had my share of "mel moments", infamously pegged as "stupid thing mel said/did #___".
but since the summer's coming to an end and school has begun, i felt the need to look back on the summer that just passed and reflect on nerdy as that sounds. i must declare this summer as the bestest one so far. i must admit that it came to a rocky and doubtful beginning, but as the summer progressed it became better and better, and it became necessary to capture them all. in society's present standards (and i say this with much sarcasm), my friends and i must be boring and so loser-ish, as what we do when we get together has been called before.
but our methods of "partying it up" are quite different from those of our contemporaries. sure we get drunk and high, but au naturel. conversations on the ttc, walks to the center, cranium, phone conversations, sit down dinners, interesting and mind-boggling conversations, movie themed nights, late night movies, the perusing of chapters, starbucks runs, timmy's runs, seeing friends from school, to name a few, are just some of my summer's highlights. yes, i've stared out the window oftentimes and wish i was somewhere else, basking underneath another country's sun, but in an instant, it would fleet away. home is what you make of it, and my friends have become the intricate stitches that have kept me grounded and sane. one doesn't realize the importance of friendship once it's gone, but i'm glad i never had to go through that. i guess what really made this summer more special and the best ever was because i realized over and over again how empowering and beautiful true friendship is.

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